Parish Outreach and Volunteers
The Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference is made possible through the generous contribution of time and talents from our numerous volunteers. There are three ways to be active in this mission:
1. Intercessory Prayer Support, 2. Volunteer your time and talents on the day before and the day of the conference. 3. Become an Ambassador for the conference in your local parish. See below for more information.

Join our Intercessory Prayer Team
Join with many faithful men and women who have committed to pray a rosary for the many intentions of this conference once a week.
> Join the Prayer Team

Be a Conference Volunteer
The Michigan Catholic Women’s Conference is made possible by the hands of many! If you would like to play an active part in the conference, please consider being Ambassador or Conference Volunteer. Please complete the form to let us know how you would like to help:
> Become a Volunteer

Become a Parish Ambassador
Parish ambassadors bring the message and the excitement about the conference to their home parish local level. Your outreach to the women and potential sponsors in your parish is critical to the success of the conference. Below is information and tools to help you get the word out to the women and potential sponsors of your parish. Thank you for blessing the conference with your service! If you need any assistance, please contact us at MichiganCWC@sbcglobal.net.
> Become a Parish Ambassador
If you missed our parish ambassador webinar be sure to view the recording. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. God bless you for your commitment to serve as a Parish Ambassador.
Key Activities to promote the conference
- Communicate the upcoming conference to your parish pastor and administrative staff. Let them know you have volunteered to be a Parish Ambassador for your parish.
- Gain alignment and support from the parish pastor & staff to:
- Print off and display posters and flyers in designated areas (church entrance(s), bulletin boards or brochure areas, parish office, etc.)
- Place bulletin announcements in July, August, September and first week in October
- Speak to congregation during and after Masses in early August
- Put the conference in parish announcements
- Post the conference as an event on the parish website or social media pages (request administrator support)
- Share the conference information with your parish community. Below are a few suggestions of groups to contact / share with during regular meetings:
- CCD students and their parents
- RCIA candidates and catechumens
- Parish mission team
- Parish Council
- Prayer meetings & Bible studies
- Knights of Columbus
- Choir / Music Ministry
- Share your personal invitation to the conference with women you know and meet:
- Keep conference business cards with you and hand out as needed. Share these cards with other leaders in your parish to hand out as they invite women to attend.
- Share information with your social media network. Use #MichiganCWC in your posts to help others see what you have shared.
- Hand-out flyers at parish events that you attend (i.e. Parish dinners/picnics, groups you belong to, special events, etc.).
- Reach out to possible vendors and sponsors in your area and point them to the website or print / download the forms and help them sign up.
Parish Ambassador Resources
Logo White
Logo Rose
Logo Black
Parish Ambassador Webinar (pdf)
Paper Registration
1/2 Page Ad (pdf)
1/2 Page Ad (jpg)
1/4 Page Ad For Bulletin (pdf)
1/4 Page Ad For Bulletin (jpg)
Avery Business Card Ad – D01 (pdf)
Avery Business Card Ad – D02 (pdf)
Full Page Flyer (pdf)
Full Page Flyer (jpg)
11 x 17 Poster (pdf)
11 x 17 Poster (jpg)
Sponsorship Form (pdf)
Script for Speaking at Mass
Facebook/Instagram Social Media Graphics
Twitter Social Media Graphics