Erin Looby Carlson
Erin Looby-Carlson is the Director of Communication for the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw. She also serves as the editor of “FAITH Saginaw” magazine and is the producer of FAITHvideos, which have aired across the country on Catholic TV. In her work for the diocese, she has been honored by the Catholic Press Association, has been a featured guest on the radio program “Personally Speaking,” served as a television host for local programming on the TCT network and was recently featured on the cover of “Content Evangelist” magazine. This past September, she was invited to assist the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s media relation’s team during Pope Francis’ Apostolic Journey to the United States. She describes it as the experience of a lifetime. Prior to her arrival at the Diocese of Saginaw, Erin spent nine years working as a television news anchor and reporter. She is an Emmy award winning journalist and has also been honored by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters and the Associated Press. In 2009, she received the Distinguished Service Medal from the Department of Military and Veteran Affairs for her ongoing news coverage of a badly burned Iraqi boy who was brought to the United States for a series of life-changing operations. Erin is a graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She is a wife to Andrew Carlson and the mother of five children — all boys! When she has a moment of free time, Erin enjoys writing and is currently working on a series of children’s books that she hopes will one day be published.